The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble and Coming of Age in the Bronx by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
Makes Me Wanna Holler by Nathan McCall
Race, Incarceration and American Values by Glenn C. Loury
The following are books written by people on the inside:
Inside the Broken California Prison System by Boston Woodard
The following are wonderful anthologies of prison writings:
Doing Time (edited by Bell Chevigny)
Couldn't Keep it to Myself and
Undoing Time (edited by Jeff Evans
Wall Tappings (edited by Judith A. Scheffler).
The following are resources that explore the many facets of what we have come to know as the "prison industrial complex":
Going up the River: Travels in a Prison Nation by Joseph T. Hallinan
Many of us who have worked with people inside prisons have an awe and a deep appreciation of how they are able to keep their spirituality, soul and love alive--and with that said also have an immense frustration and anger of current prison policies and practices. Below are a couple books that give fact to our feelings. These give historical perspectives.
With Liberty for Some: 500 Years of Imprisonment in America by Scott Christianson
The following are resources about prison education and recidivism:
Unlocking Potential: Results of a National Survey of Postsecondary Education in State Prisons (2011)
The Top-Nine Reasons To Increase Correctional Education Programs (2010)
From the Classroom to the Community: Exploring the Role of Education during Incarceration and Reentry (2009)
Learning to Reduce Recidivism: A 50-State Analysis of Postsecondary Correctional Education Policy (2005)
The Investment Payoff: A 50-State Analysis of the Public and Private Benefits of Higher Education (2005)
Education as Crime Prevention: The Case for Reinstating Pell Grant Eligibility for the Incarcerated by Daniel Karpowitz and Max Kennar Bard Prison Initiative
Although there are many here are a few organizations that focus on prison issues: There is additional resources on each site
- The Prison Studies Project at Harvard
- Bard Prison Initiative
- The Pew Center on the States
- Educators for Social Responsibility
- Fortune Society
- National Education Association
- Correctional Education Association
- Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice
- Critical Resistance
- National Council on Crime and Delinquency
- Prison Activist Resource Center
- Real Cost of Prison Project
- The Sentecing Project
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